We start to get out our winter squash recipes and stock up on cinnamon and allspice. Pumpkin pie anyone? A nice butternut squash soup. Roasting pumpkin seeds while the family carves. Don't forget apple cider made fresh. Put away the grill and get out the roasting pan. Leave the cold cereal alone and cuddle up with a bowl of hot oatmeal in the morning. Sure, our happy colorful veggies of summer are disappearing but instead you can look forward to enjoying the homemade salsa, pickles, relish, or canned fruit you (hopefully) put up. How many recipes do you make with canned fruit in mind?
Just a quick word on eating seasonally. It has many benefits but one of the great ones is that you get have a chance to forget how awesome a food tastes and the way it makes you feel. When that time of year comes around again it's like meeting an old friend that you haven't seen for awhile. Seasonal eating is healthy too. In the summer it's hotter and our bodies do not require as many calories to stay warm as they do in the winter. The fresh crisp veggies we eat in the summer are full of water, vitamins and fiber. As the season changes our bodies crave things that "fill us up" more and warm us up on the inside. Seasonal eating is also a commandment.
D & C 89:11 "Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving."
I think it's amazing that God has made so many wonderful foods for us to eat. Let's remember that in this season of Thanksgiving!